旅游泰国 | 甲米 (3) | Pranang Flora Hotel | Krabi Trip 2013 |

在 www.agoda.com 找寻了好几间的旅店后,最后决定入住 Pranang Flora House。我建议大家锁定 Ao Nang 这一区,因为这一区靠海,而且也是个热点,好多的商店、餐厅、旅馆、旅行社团都聚集在这里,夜里可是热闹无比哦!

Before the trip, I do a lot of research for which hotel I should book by using Agoda.com and at the end I decided to stay in Pranang Flora House. I strongly recommend you to stay at Ao Nang, it's a place near to the beach. A lot of shop, restaurant, hotel and tour agent were located along the street, and it's so happening at night.

我们在 Agoda 以 RM 2031.48 订下3间房4个晚上,我们六人同行,平均一个人 RM338.58。

只是我稍微有点疑问,不晓得是不是我订购时的大意,旅馆柜台人员告诉我说我所订购的 3间的房只是给 3 个人住而已,意思是一间房一个人,可是我们六人同行,所以每间房每一个晚上要多付 200THB,所以 200THB x 3间房 x 4 个晚上,总共 2400THB!!!,意思是我们每人要多付 400THB。

Number of Room - 3
Max Occupancy -  3

是我误会了每间房最多可住进 3 人?但我也不想大闹一场,反正每人只是多付马币 RM40 而已,我不想第一天就带着负面情绪去面对接下来的四天,最多以后要多加留意和小心。不懂你们是否有相似的经历?若有,或许可以在 comments 处留言,让大家多加留意和防范。

We spend RM 2031.48 for 3 rooms 4 nights for 6 person, that means each of us only pay for RM338.58

But, I feel confusing when the staff said that the room I book are just for single person, means each room only allow 1 person to stay? He said YES, so we need to pay extra 2400THB for 3 rooms 4 nights, means each of us (6 of us) need to pay extra 400THB. Is that my mistake when doing the booking? I'm so confusing. I don't want to argue with them, I just accept what it's happen and pay for it, I know, it's just another RM40. Anyway, if you did have the same experience for this situation, kindly give some comments and share with me.

Pranang Flora House 座落在 Ao Nang 市中心,而 Ao Nang 也就是甲米人气最胜旺,被旅客称为最佳住宿的海滩度假胜地。Pranang Flora House 距离海滩大约有 800米,徒步只需10分钟左右就可以到达美丽的海滩,一路上有好多的餐厅、旅馆、买卖市场、银行和酒吧等,很是方便,而且 7-eleven 和 Pranang Flora House 距离几间店屋,半夜随时可以下来买个饭盒,我们几乎每个晚上的宵夜都在 7-eleven 打包回去旅馆吃。

Pranang Flora House is a boutique hotel located in the city centre of Ao Nang Beach on the main road heading which is only 800 meters away from one of the most beautiful beaches in Thailand. Along the street, you can find everything you'll possibly need to satisfy your relaxing holiday such as restaurant, hotel, shopping places, night clubs, bank and many more.

Pranang Flora House 提供免费的无线网络,套房简单和舒适,现代空调必备,而且还提供自行车和汽车租载服务,可说麻雀虽小五脏俱全,而且旅馆工作人员也很有礼貌,服务还算不错。

Pranang Flora House provide free wifi, so you can share anything to your Facebook or Instagram, but the connection was not really stable. The room are simple and nice with air-conditioning, they also provide car and motorbike rental, including transportation services. The staff are really friendly and helping, they managed to help us with the transportation, their services make us feel comfortable.


2 评论

  1. 我也有试过这样的经验 , 之前我定了2间房,number occupancy应该是 4个人的。可是agoda email 过来的 voucher 只是 2个人。我 e-mail 给 Agoda网站 ,过后就改正回 4个人 的 voucher send back 给我 。我想可能 Agoda 网站出差错吧。

    1. 我是到了哪里由负责人告诉我这个问题,所以也不懂到底是否是 Agoda 的问题还是酒店的问题,下次一定要好好的注意这些细节了。
